Abstract: Big data refers to datasets that aren't solely massive,
however additionally high in variety and velocity that makes them troublesome
to handle using tradition tools and techniques. Due to the rise of such
Data, solutions got to be studied and provided so as to handle and extract
worth and information from these datasets. Nowadays Web services are very
widespread .Recommender systems represent user preferences for the aim of
suggesting things to get or examine. They are many basic applications in
electronic commerce and data access, providing suggestions that effectively
prune massive data areas so users are directed toward those things that best
meet their wants and preferences. A variety of techniques are projected for
activity recommendation, including content-based, collaborative,
knowledge-based and different techniques. In this paper, we are presenting
“Keyword-Aware Service Recommendation Method”, to deal with the above
challenges. It aims at presenting a customized service recommendation list and
recommending the foremost applicable services to the users effectively.
Specifically, keywords area unit wont to indicate users' preferences,
and a user-based cooperative Filtering algorithm is adopted to get applicable
recommendations. To improve the scalability and efficiency of KASR in “Big
Data” environment, the proposed system proposes techniques that have been
implemented it on a Map Reduce framework in Hadoop
Keywords: Recommender system, Preference, Keyword, Big data, Hadoop, MapReduce.